“Running takes care of you as a whole!” - Dr. Sheetal Bidri
A homeopathic doctor based out of Bengaluru, Sheetal Bidri, defines running and talks about some ignored issues.
A homeopathic doctor based out of Bengaluru, Sheetal Bidri, defines running and talks about some ignored issues.
ExperienceNitin Munda from Siliguri expanded his experiential learning through running and founded NORTH BENGAL RUNNERS! - Experience shared.
Running Group ExperienceBhaago India introduces you to these top women runners across India to encourage yourself and learn something from each!
Women's DayAnkita Gaur from Bangalore ran all over during her pregnancy busting barriers, and owning two app-based programs dealing with women’s health!
Women's DayEntrepreneur Reeti Sahai from Delhi NCR is a passionate runner who created her own community to introduce people to the merits of running!
Women's DayA Gmat coach, Blogger, and Tedex speaker Tanya Agarwal share her way of versatility and passion for running!
Women's DayApoorva Chaudhry’s inspirational tale of breaking a national record and defeating Asthma through running!
Women's DaySmita Kulkarni from Pune is a woman of solid mettle who with her passion for running, achieved several accomplishments and defeated Menopause!
Women's DayNatasha Mahar from Solan is a mountaineer, trail runner, and woman of strong mettle who does not allow any hardships to block her way!
Women's Day