"When goals become passion"- Girish Bindra scaling heights of distance
Girish Bindra, a logistic businessman who is also a runner scaling heights of distances through his dedication.
Ultramarathoner ExperienceRunning is my alone time. I have people around me all the time, all day. The only time I have alone is when I’m running, or when I’m at church. Running’s easier to fit in. — Mario Lopez
Girish Bindra, a logistic businessman who is also a runner scaling heights of distances through his dedication.
Ultramarathoner ExperienceContinuation of the best running routes in Delhi, we bring you three more locations to escapade natural running.
Experience Trail RunningA dynamic runner who, in addition to completing countless Half and Full Marathons, excelled at Ultra Running.
Ultramarathoner Experience Trail RunningDIVYA TYAGI, 36 yr. old plant lover and a basketball state player (in school) she is also a marketing head at Solv.
Experience SheRunsSingle mother, a survivor of breast cancer scaling ultras. One woman is shown trailing her way through breast cancer.
Injuries Experience SheRuns“Running is like any other sport; the more you give in, the better you get at it.”
Ultramarathoner Experience