Yash Mishra

Yash Mishra, originally from Kanpur, is a 20-year-old pursuing his degree in Sports Science in Gurgaon, Haryana. Yash has run ample 10K and half marathons. By 2019, Yash felt that he had gained sufficient exposure on how to run with all the correct postures, forms, and breathing techniques that suited him.

Personal Bests 

2020 - 12 hours stadium run Lucknow, Bronze medal ( covered 106.4 kms in 12 hours)

2021 - Kanpur to Khajuraho ultra relay 230 kms with 8 runners 

-15 hours survival at India's Backyard Ultra covered 103 kms at Gurgaon

- Pagdandi ultra trail run secured gold medal there with  151.64 kms on trail in 24 hours at Gurgaon

- 12 hours night trail run secured gold medal with 90.54kms in 12 hours at Panchgaon 

- Aravali trail run covered 83 kms with elevation gain 600 metres at Gurgaon 

2022 - successfully completed Indo-Nepal Ultra Relay of 720kms in 61hours and 32 minutes with 15 runners. It's been verified by India book of record and Asia Book of records.


Blogs by Yash Mishra