Conquering the Impossible: My Journey of Running 10,000km in 119 Days
Vishak Krishnaswamy, the unstoppable ultra-runner from India, embarks on an extraordinary quest: running 10,000km in just 119 days.

The Hamstring is a muscle located just below the butt muscles. The muscles in the hamstring are - biceps femoris, semitendinosus, and semimembranosus. With excessive exercise, prolonged standing, or with running, it is possible for the Hamstring muscle to get injured. When an injury happens, the Hamstring muscle develops tears and the fibers start to repair with some swelling. This repair process and swelling can cause pain and difficulty in movement of the Hamstring muscle
Hypoxia is a condition in which the body or a region of the body is deprived of adequate oxygen supply at the tissue level. In short, it means having too little oxygen.
Now Hypoxic is also a method of training athletes use for improving their endurance for enhanced performance. These methods include altitude training, Intermittent Hypoxic Training system, etc. Altitude training or low oxygen training involves exercising in, living in, or breathing oxygen-reduced air. This is done to improve athletic performance and physical wellness. Training under a state of hypoxia can also help people acclimatize to the altitude.
The Hamstring is a muscle located just below the butt muscles. The muscles in the hamstring are - biceps femoris, semitendinosus, and semimembranosus. With excessive exercise, prolonged standing, or with running, it is possible for the Hamstring muscle to get injured. When an injury happens, the Hamstring muscle develops tears and the fibers start to repair with some swelling. This repair process and swelling can cause pain and difficulty in movement of the Hamstring muscle
Hypoxia is a condition in which the body or a region of the body is deprived of adequate oxygen supply at the tissue level. In short, it means having too little oxygen.
Now Hypoxic is also a method of training athletes use for improving their endurance for enhanced performance. These methods include altitude training, Intermittent Hypoxic Training system, etc. Altitude training or low oxygen training involves exercising in, living in, or breathing oxygen-reduced air. This is done to improve athletic performance and physical wellness. Training under a state of hypoxia can also help people acclimatize to the altitude.
Vishak Krishnaswamy, the unstoppable ultra-runner from India, embarks on an extraordinary quest: running 10,000km in just 119 days.
With true passion and dedication, Vishak Krishnaswamy runs the heights of distance and consecutive 62 days of Marathon distance!
Puma has been a underdog when it comes to running shoes for long-distance runners but with Nitro Series, the landscape has changed.