Run Against Diabetes


Event Details

Event Information


Hello friends


we are organizing "RUN AGAINST DIABETES" ON SUNDAY EARLY MORNING 18th SEPTEMBER 2022 . As we know we all our busy in our lives and in this pandemic we realised that health is most important asset in our life. Presently Diabetes is the most important disease growing globally increasing silently . So we're fight against diabetes and build up Fit society. 

So let's run for our health, our life, our family, our country.



# 6.21 km run for all 


Male         Prize money                                 Female          Prize money 

14-35y                                                                14-39y

(5000-3000-2000 -1000-750)                          (3000-2000-1000)

36-49y                                                                 40 & above 

(3000-2000-1000)                                             (3000-2000-1000)

50 & above 



Attractive Trophy with Cash Prize all categories 

 Registration must to all below in

You can run Shantipur college ground let's run

Everybody will get

Tiffin, Finisher Medal and E-CERTIFICATE 

Also Payable T-shirt. 

Those runners who will come from too away from Venue they are provided accomodation and fooding and night staying on 17th September 2022 night. 

For any query and data sharing on email


[email protected] 


WhatsApp- 9932494549